Recruitment Agency & Types of Recruitment

Recruitment Agencies are the companies that supply the manpower to different companies. With time, these agencies are expanding their reach and power by providing an efficient workforce to small and big organizations. Filling up of vacant positions in companies is a big task and the HR department requires more and more contacts to get a number of candidates to apply for the job. For this, they need a vast network and database. These agencies become the bridge between such companies and skillful candidates.
People often think that these agencies have only a few low-level positions. Clearing the concept of a manpower recruitment agency, here we will discuss its working and types of recruitments done by them.
Recruitment Agency- A boon
Recruitment agencies search for skillful and suitable people for vacancies in various companies. They opt for different strategies like posting on social media, visiting job fairs, websites and having a strong network of candidates. The best recruitment company works with a full plan of hiring the candidate for the third party and providing full assistance.
When the manpower recruitment agency found a suitable match for their vacancies list, they enquire about him by screening his resume. They collect the required and accurate information about the candidate including his skills, qualifications, and experience, check if the candidate’s qualifications, skill set and experience matches with the job roles perfectly. After this, they schedule the interview to test his skills and knowledge.
If the candidate clears the interview with a recruiter, then he gets the second call from the agency. The second call is made after scheduling the interview with the client. During this procedure, the particular recruiter checks the application process. In the second round with the client, the candidate and job seeker understands each other’s requirement, skills, and other important information. If the client gets satisfied with the discussion, he may hire him or her.
Types of Recruitment
Differing in the types of recruitment post, recruiters make the list. They try to understand the candidate’s desires and goals that match with the suitable recruitment post. Basically, four types of recruitment are categorized.
•    Recruitment & Selection
Recruitment is the main functioning industry to fill the vacancies. Selection is the further step to hire the rightful candidate. These companies are the first in the list as they provide efficient manpower. Understanding the manpower recruitment agency working, the recruiters manages the whole hiring process.
•    Interim
The best recruitment company gathers the vast data bank of candidates for short-term project sourcing purposes.  In this recruitment type, the client’s company may ask for temporary staffing. The reason behind this type of recruitment is the short-term work to be accomplished and companies may hire freelancers or part-time job seekers. Or the companies may be hiring to fill the gap for an employee gone for short leave for some time.
•    Project Sourcing
Project sourcing is the process where the candidates are required to handle temporary projects in a company. The employment is on a regular basis, unlike interim recruitment. These temporary staffing candidates get the chance to work on different projects with different clients to gain experience and knowledge of multiple tasks.
If you are looking for a candidate to fill the post in your organization, contact a recruitment agency to find the best match.


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